Article I: Name
The name of this organization shall be the New Jersey Juvenile Detention AssociationArticle II: Purpose
The New Jersey Juvenile Detention Association is established to enable personnel employed in juvenile detention facilities throughout the State of New Jersey to join together in mutual efforts to improve child caring standards; to strengthen programs; to secure adequate staff and facilities; to promote desirable personnel practices; to gain appropriate recognition of the importance of detention as a dynamic factor in the total correctional process; and to form a representative body capable of developing group opinion on professional matters and to speak with authority for the membership.Article III: Membership and Dues
Section 1The membership in this association shall consist of the following:
A. Regular Member: Any person working in a juvenile detention facility.
Professional 1: Administrators and Assistants, Directors and Assistants, Superintendents and Assistants, all Executive Board Members.
Professional 2: Mid-Managers, Supervisors, Line Staff, Training Officers, Social Workers, Nurses, Teachers, Program Coordinators, Secretaries, Cooks, Maintenance Staff, Transportation.
B. Associate Member: Any interested person who is not actively working in a detention facility, or who is working in a detention alternative program. Such a member is not entitled to vote or hold office unless appointed to the Executive Board, but may receive all other benefits of a regular member.
C. Honorary Member: Any person so designated by the Executive Board (of the N.J.J.D.A.). This person does not have the right to vote or to hold office and does not pay dues.
D. Student Member: Students currently enrolled in an accredited college or university and not a regular member. Such a member does not have the right to vote or to hold office.
Section 2
Dues shall be established by the Executive Board and payable upon the first day of July. Dues shall cover the twelve months following.
Article IV: Officers
Section 1The six officers of this Association shall be as follows: President Immediate Past President Vice President Recording Secretary Treasurer Corresponding Secretary All members of the New Jersey Juvenile Detention Association are eligible for election from the active membership. Only the most recent President may hold the office of Immediate Past President.
Section 2
Each active board member has the right to designate, in writing, to the Executive Board the name of his assistant or other person of his choosing, as a voting member of the Executive Board. Said person will pay a fixed fee of $10.00 per year.
Article V: Governed
Section 1The Association shall be governed by the following bodies: The membership of the Association The Executive Board The Officers of the Association
Section 2
All the legislative, executive, administrative, and judicial powers of the Association shall be vested in the membership of the Association when in session except as otherwise provided by the Constitution.
Section 3
When the Association membership is not in session, all the powers of the Association shall pass to and be vested in the Executive Board, except as otherwise provided in the Constitution.
Article VI: Meetings & Attendance
Section 1The Executive Board shall meet on the third Wednesday of each month. This may be subject to change due to holidays and/or emergency meetings by order of the President. Only members of the Executive Board are entitled to cast votes at the Board meeting. If any County fails to have representation at 7 scheduled Board meetings annually, that county shall lose their voting privilege for the following year.
Section 2
Special meetings of the Association and of the Executive Board may be called as hereinafter provided. Bylaws
Article I: Name Etc.
The name, purpose, membership, officers government, etc. of the Association are set forth in the ConstitutionArticle II: State Organization
Section 1The Officers of this Association shall be the President, Immediate Past President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and Corresponding Secretary.
Section 2
At the end of their term of office, the Association Officers shall deliver to their successor, all books, records, and appropriate belongings of the Association which have been in their possession.
Section 3
The Executive Board will consist of all Administrative Officers, their assistant or designees and officers of the New Jersey Juvenile Detention Association.
Article III: President
Section 1The President shall appoint a Nomination Committee and Chairperson at the beginning of each election year to receive names of bona fide active members of the Association for Officers of the Association.
Section 2
All active members shall have the right to submit nominations for each of the elective offices on nomination ballots which shall be mailed to the membership no later than February 1 of the election year. Said nomination ballots must be returned to the committee no later than March 1 of that year. The Nominating Committee will then place the names of two (2) persons who receive the largest number of nominee votes for each of the elected offices on the election ballots. Said election ballots will be mailed out by the Nominating Committee to each active member no later than April 1 of the election year. Said ballots must be returned no later than May 1 of the same year.
Section 3
The Nominating Committee in turn will take the ballots and their totals to be certified. A certified copy of the ballot tally for each election shall be given to the Recording Secretary of the Association and made a permanent part of the records of the Association.
Article IV: Elections
Section 1Officers shall be elected for a term of two years. They shall assume the duties of their respective offices on June 1 following their election. All elected officers may succeed themselves.
Section 2
The President shall not be eligible for reelection for a third consecutive term.
Section 3
Presedential Duties The President shall preside at regular meetings and all Executive Board meetings. He shall, in every way, endeavor to promote the interest and purpose of the Association. He shall, with the advice of the Executive Board, appoint all Standing Committee Chairpersons. He shall sign all policy statements and shall be held responsible for all progress and work of the Association. He shall be the principle liaison officer with all other related professional organizations.
Section 4
Vice Presidential Duties The Vice President will assist the President in conducting the business of the Association and act as temporary President in the absence of the President.
Section 5 Recording Secretary's Duties The Recording Secretary shall keep a careful record of the proceedings of all meetings and shall make a copy of the minutes available to each Officer of the Association upon request. He/She shall maintain an accurate roster of the Association membership and an accurate list of committees and committee members.
Section 6
Corresponding Secretary's Duties The Corresponding Secretary shall carry on the correspondence of the Association as directed by the President
Section 7
Treasurer’s Duties The Treasurer shall receive all the funds belonging to the Association, payout same on orders signed by the President and Secretary, keep an itemized account of receipts and expenditures, and submit a written report of the same to the members at each State-Wide meeting and Executive Board Meetings.
Section 8
Immediate Past President Duties The Past President shall act in an advisory capacity in assisting the executive board with Policies and practices of the Association.
Article V: Committees
To assist in carrying out the business and purposes of the Association, there shall exit two types of committees; Standing Committees and Special Committees. All Standing and Special Committee Chairpersons shall be appointed by the President and must be a member of the Association. Committee Chairpersons shall appoint committee members to their committees and conduct committee meetings as deemed necessary. Committee Chairpersons shall submit reports and/or recommendations to the Executive Board for approval.Standing Committees
A. Membership Committee: This committee shall be responsible for recommending to the Executive Board; dues structure; organizational and individual membership requirements; and recruiting new and retaining existing N.J.J.D.A. members.
B. Legislative Committee: Shall keep the Executive Board and the Association as a whole informed of proposed legislation that would have an impact upon the mission and operation of the Association and its members. Advise the Executive Board on the ramifications of supporting or opposing specific legislation. Suggest proposals for legislation that the Executive Board may want to sponsor.
C. Conference Committee: This committee shall be responsible for the planning and implementation of the Annual Training Conference. Special Committees A. Special committees may be created by the President as needed. These committees will exist for the duration of time designated by the President or for the term of office of the President.
Article VI: Meetings
Section 1The Executive Board shall meet as often as the business of the Association demands.
Section 2
General meetings of the Association are to be held at least once each year. The location and date of such meetings shall be decided by the Executive Board and announced 60 days in advance to all members.
Article VII: Finances
Section 1All disbursements shall be approved by the Executive Board. All disbursements in excess of $200 shall be signed by two (2) elected officers as designated by the Executive Board. The Executive Board may designate certain recurring and/or ongoing expenses as being approved on an annual basis. Any disbursements associated with an approved project or activity can be delegated to the chairman of such activity on a project wide basis.
Section 2
A petty cash fund of $25.00 shall be established for the use of the State Officers and under the usual safe-guards.
Section 3
An audit of the Association's books shall be completed by the February meeting of the Executive Board each year by an authorized agent.